2025 Rides and Events

All Sunday rides, except out-of-town rides, leave from the Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, 13420 Maxella Ave, Villa Marina Marketplace.  Most people ride to the start, but some drive and park on nearby streets.

Sunday departure time is 8:00 am, except for out-of-town rides. Please be ready to roll at the departure time!

Your bike should be in good working condition and you should be prepared to fix a flat (i.e., have spare tube, tire levers, patches, pump or CO2 inflator, etc.).  You should also carry a water bottle (two in warm weather), snacks, and lunch money. Helmets are required at all times, and no headsets or earbuds, please!

This schedule is always subject to change.  As a convenience to riders, it may include  mention of and links to other organized rides that some of us participate in, but these are not “official” or “out-of-town” MDRCC rides.

Please, no E-Bikes.  This group is somewhat traditional and part of the reason people ride with us is for the fitness it brings under their own power.

IMPORTANT RIDE CAVEAT – Riding on public roads with motor and pedestrian traffic, road hazards, and other cyclists is inherently dangerous and because of this, accidents and serious injuries might occur. By riding with MDRCC, you acknowledge and accept these risks and release MDRCC and all others involved from any and all liability.

  • Sun
    8:00 amHelen's Cycles - Marina Del Rey

    First club visit through the Santa Monica Mountains since the Woolsey fire.

    Up the coast to Topanga Canyon and take that to Mulholland selecting either Old or New Topanga at the post office. Then west on Mulholland to Las Virgenes Road. Take that back to the coast and see if you can spot when it magically changes into Malibu Canyon Road. Zip back along the coast. About 50 miles. Short route can return from the Post Office or from the Old or New Topanga summit.

  • Sun
    8:00 amHelen's Cycles - Marina Del Rey

    Rescheduled from last week due to wet roads and possibility of rain. It may rain again this weekend as well!

    Up the coast to Topanga Canyon and take that to Mulholland selecting either Old or New Topanga at the post office. Then west on Mulholland to Las Virgenes Road. Take that back to the coast and see if you can spot when it magically changes into Malibu Canyon Road. Zip back along the coast. About 50 miles. Short route can return from the Post Office or from the Old or New Topanga summit.

  • Sat
    5:00 pmGeorge and Theresa's MDR Digs

    This year the MDRCC Post-Holiday Winter Party, Fete, Gala, Shindig, and Extravaganza will all be held on Saturday, January 19, 2019, starting at 5:00 pm, at the home of George and Theresa Schnepf in Marina Del Rey.

    As usual, this event is open to all current, past, and even occasional MDRCC riders (in good standing) as well as those related to them. It's always great to catch up with people we haven't seen in a while!

    Contact us for more info.

  • Sun
    8:00 amHelen's Cycles - Marina Del Rey

    This is a relatively new canyon route for us and good for after the Winter Party. It goes through a rustic area many people are surprised to find so close to Beverly Hills. Hopefully, the roads will be clear enough for riding after this week's rains.

    Cruise through WLA and BH to Beverly Drive and then to Franklin Canyon. Continue up to Mulholland. Short route riders go back on Sepulveda for 30 mild miles. Long route riders head east on Mulholland to Griffith Park with the optional extra loop through the park, and then stop Pricilla's in Toluca Lake for a break. Return on Riverside, Valley Vista, and Sepulveda for about 60 mildly hilly miles.

  • Sun
    8:00 amHelen's Cycles - Marina Del Rey

    A slightly new (or old?) route variation as suggested by Erik.

    Out to Malibu Beach for the usual break on Clear Creek. People who want a short route can turn around here. Otherwise, up Malibu Canyon out to Calabasas and parallel the 101 on Mureau and Calabasas Roads. Back over Old Topanga to PCH. Full ride is 53 miles with about 2900 feet of climbing. See https://ridewithgps.com/routes/29229538 for a RideWithGPS view of the route.

  • Sun
    8:00 amHelen's Cycles - Marina Del Rey

    On Superbowl Sunday many people like to be home early to get ready for or go to a Superbowl party. Given the high possibility of rain this Sunday, it will be likely that this ride will be postponed until the following week. If the roads do happen to be dry, there are lots of opportunities to bail (ha!) on this route.

    We usually do this in the other order (Palisades, Amalfi, Mandeville) but I'm reversing this and adding some other options at the start. Bundy, Tigertail, Mandeville, Westridge, Amalfi (Alta Mura) and Palisades Drive if anyone still wants it. Maybe even Paseo Miramar. Route details to follow later.

  • Sun
    8:00 amHelen's Cycles - Marina Del Rey

    Rescheduled from last Sunday's Superbowl wash out.

    We usually do this in the other order (Palisades, Amalfi, Mandeville) but I'm reversing it and adding some other options at the start. Bundy, Tigertail, Mandeville, Westridge, Amalfi (Alta Mura) and Palisades Drive if anyone still wants it. Maybe even Paseo Miramar. Not all have to be done! Potential RideWithGPS route: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/29272361 If you do them all, it will be about 60 miles with 6,000 feet of climbing!

  • Sun
    8:00 amHelen's Cycles - Marina Del Rey

    Third time's the charm? Maybe not. Rain may come again this Sunday, and if it seems wet again, there will always be the following week (I hope!).

    We usually do this in the other order (Palisades, Amalfi, Mandeville) but I'm reversing it and adding some other options at the start. Bundy, Tigertail, Mandeville, Westridge, Amalfi (Alta Mura) and Palisades Drive if anyone still wants it. Maybe even Paseo Miramar. Not all have to be done! Potential RideWithGPS route: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/29272361 If you do them all, it will be about 60 miles with 6,000 feet of climbing!

  • Sun
    8:00 amHelen's Cycles - Marina Del Rey

    The usual southern route down to the Malaga Cove Plaza, continue on PV West with side route on Paseo Del Mar, where we will observe the stupid stop sign that Herwin and I got ticketed at, On to PV South and then up PV East and the switchbacks. Extra credit for doing the domes on Crest, and continue to PV North and back to Roma Aroma in Redondo Beach. People wanting a shorter route can do the golf course (Via Campesina) and return.

  • Sun
    8:00 amHelen's Cycles - Marina Del Rey

    A brand new and untested route. Up and down roads to and from Mulholland. Some we haven't ridden and some in directions we don't normally do. The whole ride is almost 60 miles with 4700 feet of climbing! And those who don't want to do the whole ride can bail at few earlier spots.

    Up Sepulveda to Mulholland and then down a steep Woodcliff. Then up Beverly Glen from the Valley side and down to Sunset. Back up Benedict to Mulholland and down an obscure twisty route just off of Beverly Glen called Camino de la Cumbre. Then back up the Valley side of Coldwater and down through Franklin Canyon and back up Coldwater to Mulholland. A little bit of riding on Mulholland past Laurel Canyon, turn righe on Woodrow Wilson and follow it to Nichols. Then down Nichols into West Hollywood and back to the start.

    Here is the RideWithGPS version of the proposed route. It is subject to change.


    If the predicted weekend rain materializes, this ride will be postponed to a drier Sunday.

    Ride was been postponed. We'll try again in a few weeks.

  • Sun
    8:00 amHelen's Cycles - Marina Del Rey

    Don't forget to push your clocks ahead one hour on Saturday night!

    I know we did this in the other direction just a few weeks ago, but with all the rain we've had, I think it's best to stay away from the mountains and canyons until the roads get cleared. In addition, several people are going to be away at Solvang. Who are you? Michelle wants to know! And to add to that, the weather looks like it might be rainy on Sunday morning! So, just keeping it simple:

    The usual route through the South Bay beach towns to the Malaga Cove Plaza. Then, around the golf course to PV North and PV East. Up PV East to Crest (radar domes for extra credit, but don't expect the gate to be open to the "magical other side"!), and then down the switchbacks to PV South and PV West. Snacks and conversation at Roman Aroma in Redondo Beach on the way back. Short route riders can return after the fountain or golf course. Full route is about 58 miles.

  • Sun
    8:00 amHelen's Cycles - Marina Del Rey

    Same as last week, but I don't think anyone actually rode, so I'll schedule it again. (You know, "The beatings will continue until the morale improves!")

    The usual route through the South Bay beach towns to the Malaga Cove Plaza. Then, around the golf course to PV North and PV East. Up PV East to Crest (radar domes for extra credit, but don't expect the gate to be open to the "magical other side"!), and then down the switchbacks to PV South and PV West. Snacks and conversation at Roman Aroma in Redondo Beach on the way back. Short route riders can return after the fountain or golf course. Full route is about 58 miles.

  • Sun
    8:00 amHelen's Cycles - Marina Del Rey

    Given the rain and road conditions on PCH and the SM mountains, I've worked out a modest route that is slightly different than any we've done recently. This one keeps us off much of PCH and Ventura Bl. and doesn't have too much hard climbing.

    Out PCH and up Topanga to the post office. Instead of taking Old Topanga, we'll stay on new Topanga to the top and down to Mulholland. Careful making the left turn here and connect over to Valley Circle Bl. Continue up to Burbank, and then east to De Soto. South past Ventura Bl. where De Soto turns into Serrania and then Wells. Follow Wells to Valley Vista and Rancho and finally a short stretch on Ventura Bl. Stop for snacks at the Corner Bakery on Haskell, and then back over Sepulveda to the Westside.

    Total route is 55 miles with 2800 feet of climbing. Not too much! Here is the RideWithGPS for the route:


    People who want a shorter route can turn around somewhere on Topanga.

  • Sun
    8:00 amHelen's Cycles - Marina Del Rey

    The regular Nichols - Griffith Park route. Through Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, Hollywood, and up Nichols Canyon. East on Mulholland to Barham, Forest Lawn, and Griffith Park. Snack stop at Priscilla's in Toluca Lake. Return through the Valley via Riverside, Moorpark, Valley Vista, and over Sepulveda, to jog through the VA to San Vicente to Ocean Avenue and Palisades Park in Santa Monica. A fairly hilly 51 miles.

  • Sun
    8:00 amHelen's Cycles - Marina Del Rey

    South through beach cities to Palos Verdes. The short ride turns around at Malaga Cove and returns, perhaps stopping at Roman Aroma in Redondo Beach. Our long ride proceeds around the peninsula on PV Drives West and South to San Pedro. Over to Pacific and then right on 22nd to Harbor and Gaffey. Continue to PV Drive North and stop at Roman Aroma in Redondo Beach. The short route is 36 and fairly flat miles. The long route is 59 mildly hilly miles.

  • Sun
    8:00 amHelen's Cycles - Marina Del Rey

    Zip up PCH to Trancas with the usual break in Malibu. The short ride turns around here (or back at Malibu). The long ride proceeds a few miles more to Encinal Canyon. A scenic climb up Encinal brings us to a choice of Mulholland or Upper Encinal to take us over to Kanan Dume for the long and fast descent back to the coast and optional brunch before returning on PCH. The short ride is about 45 miles; the long ride is about 65 miles with a fair amount of climbing. Encinal Canyon is about five miles but never too steep.

  • Sun
    8:00 amHelen's Cycles - Marina Del Rey

    This will be a new route on some roads we haven't used and in directions we don't usually go.

    The usual ride to the Malaga Cove Plaza drinking fountain. People who want a short ride can return while the rest of us will continue up Via Del Monte and from there, explore some other parts of the Palos Verdes Peninsula, to be detailed later. Snacks back at Roman Aroma in Redondo Beach.

  • Sun
    8:00 amHelen's Cycles - Marina Del Rey

    We can try this one again! Posponed from a few weeks ago. Maybe switch Camino de la Cumbre with the valley part of Beverly Glen, as per a comment from Larry.

    A brand new and untested route. Up and down roads to and from Mulholland. Some we haven't ridden and some in directions we don't normally do. The whole ride is almost 60 miles with 4700 feet of climbing! And those who don't want to do the whole ride can bail at few earlier spots.

    Up Sepulveda to Mulholland and then down a steep Woodcliff. Then up Beverly Glen from the Valley side and down to Sunset. Back up Benedict to Mulholland and down an obscure twisty route just off of Beverly Glen called Camino de la Cumbre. Then back up the Valley side of Coldwater and down through Franklin Canyon and back up Coldwater to Mulholland. A little bit of riding on Mulholland past Laurel Canyon, turn righe on Woodrow Wilson and follow it to Nichols. Then down Nichols into West Hollywood and back to the start.

    Here is the RideWithGPS version of the proposed route. It is subject to change.


  • Sun
    8:00 amHelen's Cycles - Marina Del Rey

    Up Topanga to Fernwood. Then a winding, wooded ascent through a bucolic Topanga neighborhood up to the Saddle Peak, Stunt, Schueren junction. Go down Schueren to Piuma, turn right and climb up to its summit and then descend down to Las Virgenes. Back to PCH for an optional snack, and then on home. About 50 challenging miles. The short ride can turn back at the Fernwood turnoff.

  • Sun
    8:15 amShopping Center at Foothill Blvd & Hwy 2, La Canada Flintridge

    Take anything to the Glendale Fwy (Hwy 2) north to the 210 East, and off at Angeles Crest Highway. Turn right on ACH and we will meet on the shopping center roof parking lot. Last time it seemed like we couldn't park there but there is other street and lot parking in the immediate area. Meet at 8:15 am for an 8:30 am start. Car pooling is encouraged.

    Ride proceeds up ACH to Clear Creek Junction (about 9 miles) then to Red Box Gap (another 5 miles) and finally up Mt. Wilson Red Box Road to the top (another 5 miles). Continue around to the right of all the antennas, toward the Solar Observatory, and up to the Mt. Wilson Skyline Park Picnic site (the giant gazebo). Regroup, rest a while and roll back down. 38 miles and about 4800 feet of climbing.

    The 2019 edition of the Tour of California starts this day in Sacramento. https://www.amgentourofcalifornia.com/

  • Sun
    8:00 amHelen's Cycles - Marina Del Rey

    Up Sepulveda to Moraga and then wind our way through scenic Bel Air, past a few way-to-big monstrosities, then up the steps of Stradella to Mulholland Drive. The short ride returns to the Westside via Sepulveda. The long ride continues on Mulholland over the San Diego Fwy to Encino Hills Drive for a steep descent into the Valley. From Hayvenhurst, continue to wind our way over the (not-so) secret commuter route to Valley Vista, Wells, and Dumetz, to Topanga Canyon. Take a break at the Starbucks, and then climb New Topanga over and down to PCH. The short route is 30 hilly miles. The long route is 48 miles with more hills and 3700 feet of climbing. There are a few steep sections.

    Here is the route to help you from getting too lost:


  • Sun
    7:30 amHelen's Cycles - Marina Del Rey

    (NOTE SUMMER START TIME of 7:30 that we keep though Labor Day Weekend)

    Through Santa Monica, and up PCH to Malibu. The short route turns around at Cross Creek in Malibu and returns to Santa Monica for 30 flat fast miles. The long ride proceeds up Latigo Canyon for a very scenic and long climb. At Kanan Dume Road we will take the fast descent back to the coast and return on PCH for optional lunch at the Reel Inn or Malibu Seafood.

  • Sun

    La Grange Grand Prix
    Porsche Experience Center Los Angeles 19800 South Main Street Carson
    See bike racing on a track intended for Porsches!


  • Sun
    7:30 amHelen's Cycles - Marina Del Rey

    Through Playa Del Rey, Manhattan, Hermosa and Redondo Beaches to Palos Verdes. From Malaga Cove, climb to the crest of the peninsula via Via Del Monte, Monte Malaga, Silver Spur, and Crenshaw. Throw in Whitley Collins for fun. Back down Hawthorne and around PV Drive West, and a first scenic detour for Paseo Del Mar and then back for a second scenic detour via Via Coronel through the PV foothills in search of peacocks. Back down Via Del Monte and snack at Roman Aroma in Redondo Beach. A relatively hilly 54 miles with an annoyingly steep section on Silver Spur (and a short steep section on Whitley Collins!).

    Here is the RideWithGPS for the ride: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/29995278

    Note, this ride is on the same day as the La Grange Grand Prix at the Porsche Experience Center in Carson. We could alter the route back from PV to Carson for anyone who is interested.

  • Sun
    7:30 amHelen's Cycles - Marina Del Rey

    Over Sepulveda to Burbank Boulevard, Victory, and up DeSoto to Devonshire. If people are willing, add in Santa Susanna and Box Canyon. Around the Reservoir and stop for brunch (for those who want) at Pedaler’s Fork in Calabasas. Return over Old Topanga Canyon to PCH. Moderately hilly 61 miles. Short route can return from the top of Sepulveda.

  • Sun
    7:30 amHelen's Cycles - Marina Del Rey

    The regular Nichols - Griffith Park route. Through Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, and up Nichols Canyon. East on Mulholland to Cahuenga, Barham, Forest Lawn, and Griffith Park. Optional loop on Griffith Park Dr. Snack stop at Priscilla's in Toluca Lake. Return through the Valley via Riverside, Valley Vista, and over Sepulveda, to jog through the VA to San Vicente, Ocean, and Palisades Park in Santa Monica. A fairly hilly 51-54 miles.

  • Sun
    7:30 amHelen's Cycles - Marina Del Rey

    (Rescheduled from a few weeks back when it was threatening rain)

    Through Santa Monica, and up PCH to Malibu. The short route turns around at Cross Creek in Malibu and returns to Santa Monica for 30 flat fast miles. The long ride proceeds up Latigo Canyon for a very scenic and long climb. At Kanan Dume Road we will take the fast descent back to the coast and return on PCH for optional lunch at the Reel Inn or Malibu Seafood.

  • Sun
    7:30 amHelen's Cycles - Marina Del Rey

    Rescheduled from a few weeks back when it was threatening rain)

    Up Sepulveda to Moraga and then wind our way through scenic Bel Air, past a few way-to-big monstrosities, then up the steps of Stradella to Mulholland Drive. The short ride returns to the Westside via Sepulveda. The long ride continues on Mulholland over the San Diego Fwy to Encino Hills Drive for a steep descent into the Valley. From Hayvenhurst, continue to wind our way over the (not-so) secret commuter route to Valley Vista, Wells, and Dumetz, to Topanga Canyon. Take a break at the Starbucks, and then climb New Topanga over and down to PCH. The short route is 30 hilly miles. The long route is 48 miles with more hills and 3700 feet of climbing. There are a few steep sections.

    Here is the route to help you from getting too lost:


  • Sun
    7:30 amHelen's Cycles - Marina Del Rey

    A tour of the Westside canyons above Sunset. Palisades Highlands, Amalfi, and Mandeville. Bring a low gear for Palisades Highlands (4.1 miles, 6.7 average gradient, 11% max); it gets very steep for the top mile. Then go up Amalfi and find Alta Mura Rd. And bring your good behavior for manic motorists on Mandeville. Last time we added in Westridge as well, and Tigertail is another possibility. Bailing after any of the climbs is also an option!

    Here is the RideWithGPS that includes Westridge. If you want Tigertail, continue on Sunset to Kenter, and make the first right turn.


  • Sun
    8:15 amVentura County City Hall/Court House

    We haven't done this popular ride in a while. What do people think?

    Drive Highway 101 north to Ventura and exit on California. Turn right on California to the top of the hill. Turn right then left into driveway and park behind City Hall/Court House. Allow about 1:15 driving time from Santa Monica. Meet at 8:15am for an 8:30 am start. Ride through Ventura before climbing up to Lake Casitas. Ride around spectacular north end of lake before climbing up and over toward the coast. Also, we add the usual side route over Gobernador Canyon Road, just because we like the name. Continue north through Carpinteria and on to Santa Barbara for lunch at Handlebar Coffee Roasters, run by ex-pros, on 128 E. Canon Perdido Street, and a nearby café, or the old standby, the Beachbreak Cafe on State St. Zip back to Ventura via the coast. 68 miles with a few moderate climbs.

  • Sun
    Manhattan Beach

    The 58th Chevron Manhattan Beach Grand Prix


  • Sun
    7:30 amHelen's Cycles - Marina Del Rey

    The usual southern route down to the Malaga Cove Plaza, continue on PV West with side route on Paseo Del Mar, where we will observe the stupid stop sign that Herwin and I got ticketed at, On to PV South and then up PV East and the switchbacks. Extra credit for doing the domes on Crest, and continue to PV North and back to Roman Aroma in Redondo Beach. People wanting a shorter route can do the golf course (Via Campesina) and return.

    Same day as the Manhattan Beach Grand Prix for those who want to stop on the way down or back.

  • Sun
    7:30 amHelen's Cycles - Marina Del Rey

    Cruise through Beverly Hills to Benedict Canyon, and climb up to Mulholland. Turn west to Sepulveda for 30 slightly hilly miles (short ride), or head east on Mulholland to Griffith Park for 57 moderately hilly miles. Stop at Pricilla's in Toluca Lake for a coffee and snack break and then head back via Riverside, Valley Vista, and Sepulveda.

  • Sun
    7:30 amHelen's Cycles - Marina Del Rey

    The usual trip up PCH to Malibu at which point the short distance riders return. Up Malibu to Piuma and then up this tough little 5 mile climb. Drop down to Schueren, turn left, and then up to the junction with Saddle Peak and Stunt. Enjoy the view, then take Saddle Peak back to the top of Tuna Canyon and turn left for the very curvy descent down Fernwood Pacific to Topanga Canyon. Go back to PCH and home. 50 miles with about 3600 feet of climbing.

  • Sun
    8:15 amSee Description for Start Location

    Mostly flat with one gentle grade and a lot of the Orange County coast. Start at the south end of Long Beach and cruise through Seal, Sunset, Huntington, and Newport Beaches. Slight diversion at Corona Del Mar to a scenic overlook and then continue to Laguna Beach. Up the slight grade of Laguna Canyon and then back via Turtle Rock and Irvine to Newport Back Bay. Then back up PCH for a brunch stop at Brix (originally suggested by Mikki!). Then, just a few more miles back to the start. Here is the RideWithGPS version of the ride:


    The whole ride is about 61 miles with less than 2000 feet of climbing.

    NOTE: Slight change due to road closure near the start location:
    Directions to the start: 405 South through Long Beach and exit on Studebaker. Right on Studebaker and go about 2 miles to where it tees into 2nd/Westminster. Turn right on 2nd, and turn left on PCH. Go past the new 2nd and PCH development and older location of Whole Foods and turn right on Studebaker Road (Just past Mimi's Cafe). Cross Marina Drive and into the parking lot there. Park across from a Five Guys. Drive time from Marina Del Rey will be about 35 minutes. Meet at 8:15 am for an 8:30 am start. Car pooling is encouraged. Any questions?

  • Sun
    7:30 amHelen's Cycles - Marina Del Rey

    We've done this route a few times in the last couple of years. It goes through a rustic area many people are surprised to find so close to Beverly Hills and on a closed road in Griffith Park.

    Cruise through WLA and BH to Beverly Drive and then to Franklin Canyon. Continue up to Mulholland. Short route riders go back on Sepulveda for 30 mild miles. Long route riders head east on Mulholland to Griffith Park. Take Griffith Park Drive to the closed (and minimally maintained) Mt. Hollywood Drive to the Observatory. Return to the Westside via Western, Fountain, and Santa Monica Bl. Should be about 50 miles with 3200 feet of elevation gain. One time we even stopped on the way back at Pink's for ptomaine tube steaks!

  • Sun
    7:30 amHelen's Cycles - Marina Del Rey

    The usual route through the South Bay beach towns to the Malaga Cove Plaza. Then, around the golf course to PV North and PV East. Up PV East to Crest (radar domes for extra credit, but don't expect the gate to be open to the "magical other side"!), and then down the switchbacks to PV South and PV West. Snacks and conversation at Roman Aroma in Redondo Beach on the way back. Short route riders can return after the fountain or golf course. Full route is about 58 miles.

  • Sun
    7:30 amHelen's Cycles - Marina Del Rey

    This is a ride we did back in March and should be good for the Labor Day weekend. It keeps us off much of PCH and Ventura Bl. and doesn't have too much hard climbing.

    Out PCH and up Topanga to the post office. Instead of taking Old Topanga, we'll stay on new Topanga to the top and down to Mulholland. Careful making the left turn here and connect over to Valley Circle Bl. Continue up to Burbank, and then east to De Soto. South past Ventura Bl. where De Soto turns into Serrania and then Wells. Follow Wells to Valley Vista and Rancho and finally a short stretch on Ventura Bl. Stop for snacks at the Corner Bakery on Haskell, and then back over Sepulveda to the Westside.

    Total route is 55 miles with 2800 feet of climbing. Not too much! Here is the RideWithGPS for the route: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/29526627

    People who want a shorter route can turn around somewhere on Topanga. It may be warm in the valley!

  • Sun
    8:00 amHelen's Cycles - Marina Del Rey

    (Since it is after Labor Day, we switch back to our "Winter" Start Time of 8:00 am !!!)

    A tour of the Westside canyons above Sunset. Palisades Highlands, Amalfi, and Mandeville. We used to do Tigertail as well, but for years, everyone has wimped out after Mandeville for a total of 46 hilly miles. Bring a low gear for Palisades Highlands which gets very steep for the top mile and one half. We used to do the start of Sullivan Fire Trail, but the road has gotten so bad that now we just go up Alta Mura, a semi-private dead end (shush!). And finally, bring your good behavior for manic motorists on Mandeville. A new variation for Mandeville is to turn left at Westridge, go to the top of it, and then back down to Mandeville via Banyon and Arbutus for the rest of the climb.

    Here is a RideWithGPS route, but it has Mandeville and Westridge reversed from what is said above: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/30438103

  • Sun
    8:00 amHelen's Cycles - Marina Del Rey

    Through Playa Del Rey, Manhattan, Hermosa and Redondo Beaches to Palos Verdes. From Malaga Cove, climb to the crest of the peninsula via Via Del Monte, Monte Malaga, Silver Spur, and Crenshaw. Throw in Whitley Collins for fun. Back down Hawthorne and around PV Drive West, and a first scenic detour for Paseo Del Mar and then back for a second scenic detour via Via Coronel through the PV foothills in search of peacocks. Back down Via Del Monte and snack at Roman Aroma in Redondo Beach. A relatively hilly 54 miles with an annoyingly steep section on Silver Spur (and a short steep section on Whitley Collins!).

    Here is the RideWithGPS of route: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/29995278

  • Sun
    8:00 amHelen's Cycles - Marina Del Rey

    Out on PCH to Topanga and up to Old Topanga. Short route riders can turn around at the top of Old Topanga. Others continue down to Mulholland and over to Stunt for a steady four mile climb to Saddle Peak Junction. Enjoy the view and then down Saddle Peak to Tuna Canyon (turn left!) to Fernwood, back to Topanga. Back on PCH. 47 miles and 4000 feet of climbing.

    Here is the RideWithGPS route: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/30988245

  • Sun
    8:15 amShopping Center at Foothill Blvd & Hwy 2, La Canada Flintridge

    Take anything to the Glendale Fwy (Hwy 2) north to the 210 East, and off at Angeles Crest Highway. Turn right on ACH and we will meet on the shopping center roof parking lot. Don't park there because of time limit restrictions but there is other street and lot parking in the immediate area. Meet at 8:15 am for an 8:30 am start. Car pooling is encouraged.

    Ride proceeds up ACH to Clear Creek Junction (about 9 miles) then to Red Box Gap (another 5 miles) and finally up Mt. Wilson Red Box Road to the top (another 5 miles). Continue around to the right of all the antennas, toward the Solar Observatory, and up to the Mt. Wilson Skyline Park Picnic site (the giant gazebo). Regroup, rest a while, snack, and roll back down. 38 miles and about 4800 feet of climbing.

  • Sun
    8:00 amHelen's Cycles - Marina Del Rey

    Through West LA to Santa Monica Blvd. Turn north at Beverly Glen and take a scenic tour all the way up to the top of Mulholland with one steepish section. Short ride turns left and returns via Mulholland and Sepulveda. Long ride turns right and takes Mulholland to Cahuenga Pass, then up and over on Barham Blvd., past Forest Lawn and Travel Town before turning back through Toluca Lake for a break at Priscilla's. Return via Riverside, Valley Vista, and Sepulveda Pass. 55 miles. Moderate climbing.

  • Sun
    8:00 amHelen's Cycles - Marina Del Rey

    Due to possible road closure, unhealthy air, and low response, the ride has been changed to a PV ride from Helen's. Specific route in PV TBD by whoever is there.

    Previously ...

    As requested by Alysha for this date ...

    This spectacular ride is about 57 miles long, and if you look at the Elevation profile, you'll see that it's mostly uphill on the way out and mostly downhill on the way back. Funny how that works! About 6200 feet of climbing. The steepest sections are shown as 6% and the pavement is generally good.

    The bike route is shown on this RideWithGPS link:

    Meet at Encanto Park in Duarte at 8:15 for an 8:30 am roll. This is a convenient and pleasant starting point and allows about 6.5 miles of warm-up before the real fun begins. Allow about 40 minutes from the 10/405 (SM/SD) freeway intersection. A suggested route from WLA to get there is shown on this link:

  • Sun
    8:00 amHelen's Cycles - Marina Del Rey

    A slightly new (or old?) route variation as suggested by Erik.

    Out to Malibu Beach for the usual break on Clear Creek. People who want a short route can turn around here. Otherwise, up Malibu Canyon out to Calabasas and parallel the 101 on Mureau and Calabasas Roads. Back over Old Topanga to PCH. Full ride is 53 miles with about 2900 feet of climbing. See https://ridewithgps.com/routes/29229538 for a RideWithGPS view of the route.

  • Sun
    8:00 amHelen's Cycles - Marina Del Rey

    South through beach cities to Palos Verdes. The short ride turns around at Malaga Cove and returns, perhaps stopping at Roman Aroma in Redondo Beach. Our long ride proceeds around the peninsula on PV Drives West and South to San Pedro. Over to Pacific and then right on 22nd to Harbor and Gaffey. Continue to PV Drive North and stop at Roman Aroma in Redondo Beach. The short route is 36 and fairly flat miles. The long route is 59 mildly hilly miles.

  • Sun
    8:00 amHelen's Cycles - Marina Del Rey

    The usual route to Nichols Canyon, and if people are willing, left turn onto Willow Glen to Woodstock to Woodrow Wilson, and up the Wall to Mulholland. Either continue on Woodrow Wilson or Mulholland, down to and across Cahuenga. Then up Wonder View to Lake Hollywood. From here, we either go around the lake, climb up to the Hollywood sign, and back down Beachwood through Hollywood, or out to Griffith Park and back the usual way from there.

  • Sun
    8:00 amHelen's Cycles - Marina Del Rey

    For those who missed it last time, and those who didn't ...

    The usual trip up PCH to Malibu at which point the short distance riders return. Up Malibu to Piuma and then up this tough little five mile climb. Drop down to Schueren, turn left, and then up to the junction with Saddle Peak and Stunt. Enjoy the view, then take Saddle Peak back to the top of Tuna Canyon and turn left for the very curvy descent down Fernwood Pacific to Topanga Canyon. Go back to PCH and home. 50 miles with about 3600 feet of climbing.

  • Sun
    8:00 amHelen's Cycles - Marina Del Rey

    Down Venice Blvd. to downtown LA. Up Figueroa and over through Montecito Heights. Through San Marino, then continue to Baldwin Avenue and up the hill past the race track to Sierra Madre. Back along Orange Grove and Colorado Blvds and into the San Fernando Valley. Take a lunch break at Golden Road Brewery, then through the Valley on our usual route along Riverside Drive to Sherman Oaks, then up and over Sepulveda Pass to the Westside. Except for Sepulveda, a flat 74 miles. The shorter route returns from DTLA on Sunset.

  • Sun
    8:00 amHelen's Cycles - Marina Del Rey

    Up Sepulveda to Moraga and then wind our way through scenic Bel Air, past a few way-to-big monstrosities, then up the steps of Stradella to Mulholland Drive. The short ride returns to the Westside via Sepulveda. The long ride continues on Mulholland over the San Diego Fwy to Encino Hills Drive for a steep descent into the Valley. From Hayvenhurst, continue to wind our way over the (not-so) secret commuter route to Valley Vista, Wells, and Dumetz, to Topanga Canyon. Take a break at the Starbucks, and then climb New Topanga over and down to PCH. The short route is 30 hilly miles. The long route is 48 miles with more hills and 3700 feet of climbing. There are a few steep sections.

    Here is the route to help you from getting too lost:

  • Sun
    8:00 amHelen's Cycles - Marina Del Rey

    The usual route through the South Bay beach towns to the Malaga Cove Plaza. Then, around the golf course to PV North and PV East. Up PV East to Crest (radar domes for extra credit), and then down the switchbacks to PV South and PV West. Snacks and conversation at Roman Aroma in Redondo Beach on the way back. Short route riders can return after the fountain or golf course. Full route is about 58 miles.

  • Sun
    8:00 amHelen's Cycles - Marina Del Rey

    Zip up PCH to Trancas with the usual break in Malibu. The short ride turns around here (or back at Malibu). The long ride proceeds a few miles more to Encinal Canyon. A scenic climb up Encinal brings us to a choice of Mulholland or Upper Encinal to take us over to Kanan Dume for the long and fast descent back to the coast and optional brunch before returning on PCH. The short ride is about 45 miles; the long ride is about 65 miles with a fair amount of climbing. Encinal Canyon is about five miles but never too steep (except maybe right at the start!).

  • Sun
    8:00 amHelen's Cycles - Marina Del Rey

    Cruise through Beverly Hills to Benedict Canyon, and climb up to Mulholland. Turn west to Sepulveda for 30 slightly hilly miles (short ride), or head east on Mulholland to Griffith Park for 57 moderately hilly miles. Stop at Pricilla's in Toluca Lake for a coffee and snack break and then head back via Riverside, Valley Vista, and Sepulveda.

  • Sun
    8:00 amHelen's Cycles - Marina Del Rey

    Over Sepulveda to Burbank Boulevard, Victory, and up DeSoto to Devonshire. If people are willing, add in Santa Susanna and Box Canyon. Or maybe just skip Chatsworth altogether and head to Topanga. Otherwise, around the Reservoir and stop for brunch (for those who want) at Pedaler’s Fork in Calabasas. Return over Old Topanga Canyon to PCH. Moderately hilly 61 miles. Short route can return from the top of Sepulveda.

  • Sun
    8:00 amHelen's Cycles - Marina Del Rey

    The usual southern route down to the Malaga Cove Plaza, continue on PV West with side route on Paseo Del Mar, where we will observe the stupid stop sign that Herwin and I got ticketed at, On to PV South and then up PV East and the switchbacks. Extra credit for doing the domes on Crest, and continue to PV North and back to Roma Aroma in Redondo Beach. People wanting a shorter route can do the golf course (Via Campesina) and return.